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iPrint Appliance 4.0 - Removal Printers Issue

Hi there we have an iPrint 4.0 appliance that is a few years old now. It is a centralized one for my while school division. There is an issue that is bothering me with it. We have it connected to AD which works perfectly, printers come down with the iCM integration that we did years ago. However, we have group profiles delivering the printers to user's automatically based on groups, however, the problem is, we use the feature that says, "Install these printers", "Remove these ones" IE:

For some reason, iPrint dosen't seem to have the right's to remove other iprint printers when a new user logs in. @ scenario's I am encountering:

User A is a teacher at PEACH School: User A logs in and get's all of his/her printers (User A soon falls ill)

User B is a teacher from GRAPE School: User B comes in to User A's school, to fill in and teach for User A while they are sick, User B get's his printers that he has rights too. He teache's for the day.

User A comes back to work: User A logs in, but iprint somewhat fails because it dosen't seem to have the rights to remove User A's printers....


Scenario 2:

SUB A: Comes into work at User As school. SUB A is never around enough to login in properly, so SUB A, dosen''t login properly, instead of logging into their SAMS Account for LDAP [Firstname Lastname] for LDAP / iCM matching, they log in with their email address [User Principal Name] by accident, iCM matching with iPrint and LDAP cannot happen because of this, iPrint cannot determine what rights they have, so for some reason iCM installs ALL Printers, of which the user has NO rights to right now.

Why does this happen. It seems to be an anomaly of iCM not knowing what printers to give the user so it gives ALL printers to the user. Once again the user has no rights to ANY of them, because they logged in incorrectly, so no authentication took place.

User A comes back, once again he or she logs in correctly BUT, iPrint does not seem to have the rights to REMOVE alll those iPrint printers from when the user logged in, incorrectly, so not only can the printers NOT be removed, iPrint errors out on giving the user the right printers since it cannot clean up the incorrect ones.

Yes, I have checked through every conceivable group right / assignment on the iPrint applance. I don't know why unauthenticated user's get ALL printers, nor why iPrint does not have the correct rights to remove the incorrect iPrint printers, when a user DOES authenticate properly. Any thoughts? Any ideas would be great.

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    1. Check what value do you have in the iprint.ini file when installing printers as this will be a windows rights.
    2. If you do not want other users seeing printers that they're not theirs, use USER printers instead of workstation printers. USER printers are only seen by the user that installed them, no other user can see them.
    3. log in accidentally issue should not happens if no match is found. I'll suggest to verify that you're running appliance 4.2.5 and how the AD users have been imported into the appliance and look at the iprintauth log file when duplicating the issue to see if there is indeed an authentication going on.