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iPrint Appliance User Login

We are on iPrint appliance version 4.2.6 and I would like to add 2 users to be able to access the appliance (:9443).  Currently only root and vaadmin can log into the appliance.  Is there a way to do this?  I know with ZENworks you can add users to the vaadmin group to access the appliance but there is not a vaadmin users group on the iPrint appliance.

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    1. No, you can not add users to log in to the mobile console (9443). iprint appliance is very tied configured with this two users, root and vaadmin and adding  new ones may cause unexpected results and you'll be running an unsupported configuration, so no help from Micro Focus

    2. If you want them to access iManager, just create them directly in the appliance and assigning them a password. Imported users can not be used to log into iManager

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    Thank you for the reply.  I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.  I have created users on the appliance so they can access iManager.

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