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iPrint WalkUp printer shows others printing jobs


I've got a query about iPrint WalkUp printers.

Should iPrint Walkup printer show other users what printing jobs are queued for printing (in the Windows printers job queue)?

For example, there is a person A and a person B, person A has sent a job to the WalkUp printer, the job shows up in Windows 10 Devices and Printers section under the WalkUp printers option "See what's printing" (from persons A personal computer) and the person B sends a job from his own PC and looks in the same section "See what's printing" and he sees his own job and also persons A job waiting to be printed.

Is it a technical limit for iPrint solution or is it a feature for this product, if so is there a way to configure this option?

  • Verified Answer


    You can configure this behavior in the /var/opt/novell/iprint/httdocs/iprint.ini:

    HideDocumentsOnWindowsPrintQueue = 1

    ;Hides the documents in the windows print queue.
    ;By default, jobs submitted by all users to a printer
    ;is visible to all user through windows print queue.
    ;For security reason, administrator may restrict this view
    ;(i.e. no item would be visible to any user).
    ;1 => Hide documents, 0 => shows to all users.
    ;By default, this is disabled, i.e. shows to all users.

  • Verified Answer

    +1   in reply to

    you may need to remove and reinstall the walkup printer for this setting to take effect