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iPrint process consumes a lot of memory, normal?

Hey guys,

the iPrint Advanced installation on our OES 2018SP3 consumes a lot of memory... Is that normal? We are running around 20 printers, on 100 Workstations with 150 users...

This is top sorted with memory consumtion... 

Any ideas where to check?

Thanks in advance

Parents Reply Children
  • Ahh,  so much cleaner on those systems with pids that use more than 9.9% MEM, 
    no difference otherwise.  So worth keeping this in my kit.  Thank You

    A note for others.  the data is like the body of
       top {enter} c M
    but cleaner, scriptable, and doesn't shift as it updates.


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.