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iPrint Linux XML Generator Script for moving printers from NetWare to OES Linux



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  • I also had the same problems with the as per the previous comments. Here's how I fixed it

    Edit the in your favorite editor and look for this section

    execCalls ( )

    if [ -n "$treeName" ] && [ -n "$managerName" ] && [ -n "$hostName" ] && [ -n "$idsName" ]; then

    #removedrivers $1

    Now remove the comment from the line

    #removedrivers $1

    and add a comment to the line


    so it looks like this

    execCalls ( )

    if [ -n "$treeName" ] && [ -n "$managerName" ] && [ -n "$hostName" ] && [ -n "$idsName" ]; then

    removedrivers $1

    Save the file.

    That should do it. I now get an import.xml file created, when I run the script.
  • Have you guys gotten this script to work? I am getting the same errors as you guys. I took the same troubleshooting steps, but cannot get it to run. This would be very helpful as I am also involved in a netware to OES2 iprint migration. I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks!!
  • I have tried several times. Can not get past step 10. I have used the syntax above, both documentation and the example. Also tried the help '-h' example. No luck. In all three examples, none were consistent in documentation. In the help menu it says to use -h, when I think it should be -s.

    Regardless of what I try it's always the same error. Here is what I am typing:

    ./ -f/tmp/PSMINFO.XML -t HEWITT_LINNFT10 -m cn=LINNFT13_Manager,o=ha -s -i cn=LINNFT13_DrvStr,o=ha -c ou=PrintOES,o=ha

    Invalid parameter specified. Please run the command again with a -h for more help.

    sed: can't read -: No such file or directory
    grep: : No such file or directory
    expr: non-numeric argument
    This is manLineDelta:
    expr: syntax error
    sed: -e expression #1, char 3: unexpected `,'

    I have both the source file and script files listed properly:
    linnft13:/tmp # dir PSMINFO*
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 22622 Jan 9 10:19 PSMINFO.XML
    linnft13:/tmp #
    linnft13:/Patches/iPrint/XMLgenerator # ls -l
    total 16
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 admin root 10207 Nov 21 12:29
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3262 Jan 9 10:16 iprint-linux-XMLGenerator-1.1.tgz
    linnft13:/Patches/iPrint/XMLgenerator #

    Am logged in as root, the file has read access.

    I have recreated the psminfo.xml file incase it was currupted.

    It seems that this is just updating the psminfo.xml file and converting it to the import.xml file. Can you send me a converted import.xml file and I can do a search and replace on my own. I particularly don't know what to modify for the driver store as there is nothing in my psminfo.xml file regarding Broker or Driver Store. I hope to get this working as we will be converting over 100 iPrint servers from Neware to OES2.

    I have used the Driver Store script with no issues. Thanks for that.


  • Make sure you are using the syntax that is found in comment #10.
  • Can not get the script to work.
    Getting the error: The file does not exist in this location ./. Please choose another filename or location.
    Getting error: sed: can't read -: No such file or directory
    grep: : No such file or directory
    expr: non-numeric argument
    This is manLineDelta:
    expr: syntax error
    sed: -e expression #1, char 3: unexprected `,'
    Here is the command: ./ -t [TREE] -m cn-server_manager,o=ha -s [server] -i cn=server_driverstore,o= -f ./
    No matter where I move the file or run the script I get that error.