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How to Print from Microsoft Office for iOS – Part II

This just in - printing is indeed not dead! Previously we wrote about couple of work-arounds for how to print from Microsoft Office for iOS because somehow Microsoft seemed to have missed this feature. With the latest update from Microsoft for Office for iOS you no longer need to jump through all of those hoops. Microsoft now lets you print directly from within Office for iOS. In the first part, of this now series of articles, we showed you how you could use two different methods to print: Email and Open-In. With this latest update, you can now use the third method of mobile printing supported by iPrint and that is Apple's AirPrint.
In order to access the Print menu in Office, access the document icon in the upper left corner of the screen.


From there simply select Print.


Apple's standard iOS print dialog will come up allowing you to select your favorite AirPrint- enabled Novell iPrint printer. Then set your print options and press Print.

Fortunately this update did not break the previously discussed integrations for Novell iPrint. You can now print in Office for iOS using email, Open-In and AirPrint. Look for these three capabilities in your other favorite iOS apps to be able to print from within them as well.


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