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iPrint Notification Script

The iPrint Notification Script will allow you to identify when both the Driver Store and Print Manager go down on a server. It will notify you either by text message or email. The script will also attempt to restart the print services to get it operational.

Installation Instructions:

Note: The iPrint Notification Script works with both OES2 and OES11.

  1. Download iprintnotify.tgz

  • Open a Terminal window and type “su”.

  • Enter root’s password.

  • Extract the script from the tarball.

    #tar –xzvf iprintnotify.tgz

  • Make the script executable.

    #chmod 755

  • Edit one or more of the following variables at the top of the script


Example: TEXT_ADDRESS=""

#If there is a Driver Store running on this server, then the setting should be "YES" otherwise put "NO"

#If there is a print manager running on this server, then the setting should be "YES" otherwise put "NO"


  • Run the iPrint Notification Script now or setup a cronjob to run the script.

    #./ -c

Setup Instructions for crontab:

  1. SSH or telnet into the root account.

  • At the prompt, type in 'crontab -e'. This will open up your crontab file, or create a new one if it doesn't exist.

When this file opens, you will see other cron jobs listed in here, or if you haven't any - you'll see a bunch of lines with '~' on them.
  • Use the cursor to go down until you can't move the cursor down any more. This is where you start your new line. Press 'o' to insert a new line.

  • Press 'o' to insert a new line. If you want to edit a line, press 'i'.

  • Create a crontab entry that fits your needs and enter at this time.

Here are some examples:

Set to run every minute of every hour of every day

* * * * * /[Location of Script]/ > /dev/null

Set to run every five minutes of every hour of every day

*/5 * * * * /[Location of Script]/ > /dev/null

Set to run every 30 minutes of every hour of every day

*/30 * * * * /[Location of Script]/ > /dev/null

  • Press the 'esc' key to exit out of edit mode.

  • To save the changes and exit, type the following in: :wq

If you want to exit without saving changes, type in: :q!
  • Once you have exited, to view the new entry in your crontab file type crontab -l in at the prompt. This will list the contents of your crontab file.


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