This document details the usage of the iPrint Client Management (iCM) feature with Active Directory based Windows login. With this new feature, Novell client login to eDirectory is not required for iCM settings to be applied for all the Windows clients.
Open Enterprise Server (OES) with iPrint installed .
An Active Directory setup.
Some synchronization mechanism: An IDM (Identity Manager) setup which provides the means of synchronization between the Active Directory (AD) and eDirectory.Please find the link below on how to configure IDM.
Setting iCM Client attributesGo to iManager > iPrint > iPrint Client Management browse the user or container object and configure the required settings to be implemented for the selected user's login into the windows client.
Refer to Figure-6 to 9 for setting iCM attributes for user
iPrint.ini ConfigurationThe iPrint.ini has three new parameters which can be configured for functional requirements, the parameters are all as listed below with their details for usage.
iCMEnabled = 1: with this parameter iCM can be disabled completely if required. 0 = disable this feature 1 = enable it
iCMScope = DEFAULT: This parameter can be used to define the scope of iCM. When it is set to DEFAULT ,iCM walks up the tree from the highest container to the user’s container in the user’s fully distinguished name. When it is set to some container, iCM walks up the tree from that specified container to the user’s container
iCMDirServer = Address of the Directory server to be used for reading the iCM attributes.
Refer to Figure-17 for default iCM related settings in iprint.ini
Client Configuration:Setting the PSM IP for iPrint Client
The iPrint client will download iCM related parameters from iPrint.ini file from the PSM IP address and set same into the windows client registry to enable iCM.
There are two ways to set the PSM IP address as mentioned below:
Using iprntcmd commandExecute the command iprntcmd -S <IP address>
Using iprntcfg commandExecute iprntcfg icm command which will display iCM UI, enable the check box then enter the IP address of the primary print manager which is nothing but the PSM IP and click on the OK button to save and close the UI.
Refer to Figure-19 for setting up PSM IP using iprntcfg command
Note: If the iprint.ini file does not contain the iCM related parameters, then iprint client will set the default iCM related settings into the windows client registry, the default settings are iCMEnabled = 1, iCMScope = DEFAULT, iCMDirServer =
Refer to Figure-20 for default registry entries before setting the PSM IP:
Once the above settings are configured to windows client, log off and login as user who has the iCM settings configured, as soon the login is successful we can see the iCM settings getting implemented.