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iPrint Driver Migration script


The iPrint Driver Migration script is designed to use a NetWare repository and convert that repository one OS platform at a time into a format that the Linux Driver Store can understand. The script will then upload those drivers automatically into the Driver Store without using iManager.

Step #1 - Install and download the latest version of the iPrint Driver Migration script utility.

Note: iPrint Driver Migration script supports OES 2 and 11.
  1. Download iprint-driver-migration-2.0.tgz
  2. Open a Terminal window and type “su”.
  • Enter root’s password.
  • Extract the script from the tarball.

    #tar –xzvf iprint-driver-migration-2.0.tgz
  • cd to the iPrint-Driver-Migration folder.

    #cd /iPrint-Driver-Migration
  • Make the script executable.

    #chmod 755

Step #2 - Copy over the resdir (drivers folder) directory from the NetWare server.

  1. Access the Sys:\ndps directory on the NetWare server using the Novell Client for Windows
  • Copy the resdir directoy over to the OES 2 or OES 11 server.

    Note: Make note of the location that you copied the resdir to.

Step #3 - Run the iPrint Driver Migration script utility.

  1. On the terminal run the script to start the driver upload process.

    Note: This example assumes that the resdir directory was copied to the /tmp directory.

    #./ -f /tmp/resdir/ENGLISH/Prndrv/
  • When the script is executed it will ask the remaining questions to make the driver upload a success.


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