DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
iPrint for OES
iPrint Advanced
OES 2023
OES 2018 SP3
The following error is returned when trying to manage iPrint objects in iManager:
Error - Operation failed, unknown errorRequest (SERVER_ERROR) - bad status code (0x501)
The following error is returned when trying to use iprintman:
iprintman psm -l -u cn=admin,o=novell
[DATE + TIME] com.novell.service.iPrint.shared.iPrintException setErrorCodesFromIPPError SEVERE: iPrintException: Unexpected Exception:
Request (SERVER_ERROR) - bad status code (0x501)
at com.novell.service.iPrint.ipp.IPPAttributeSet.readAttributes(Unknown Source)
at com.novell.service.iPrint.ipp.IPPService.query(Unknown Source)
at com.novell.service.iPrint.iprntman.PSM.reCreateIPPStack(Unknown Source)
at com.novell.service.iPrint.iprntman.PSM.list(Unknown Source)
at com.novell.service.iPrint.cli.CLIpsmHelper.processCommand(Unknown Source)
at com.novell.service.iPrint.cli.IPrintManCLI.main(Unknown Source)
[DATE + TIME] com.novell.service.iPrint.cli.IPrintManCLI main SEVERE: Unhandled iPrintException.getLibError() : 1281
[DATE + TIME] com.novell.service.iPrint.cli.IPrintManCLI main SEVERE: iPrintException.getMessage() is : Request (SERVER_ERROR) - bad status code (0x501)
IPP Error: 0x501
/var/log/apache2/error_log shows:
[DATE + TIME] [:error] [pid 16520] REST call failed. HTTP Status Code: 0
[DATE + TIME] [:error] [pid 16520] Fetching license info failed.
[DATE + TIME] [:error] [pid 16520] Http Code : 0
[DATE + TIME] [:error] [pid 16520] Curl Code : 35
[DATE + TIME] [:error] [pid 16520] Error occurred while fetching licensing information.
The localhost entry within the /etc/hosts file is wrong. This wrong information causes localhost to resolve to an invalid address.
Add a # to the start of the localhost line within the /etc/hosts file:
::1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback
#::1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback
Additional Information
If using IPv6, remove the word localhost from the line so it looks like this:
::1 ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback