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Preferred Server Registry Setting

Good day,

Had a question come up in regard to the setting of the preferred server in the Novell Client properties for Windows 7, or XP.

I have usually set the preferred server to the IP address of an NCP server (for example Server 1 192.168.1.x) or Server Name (so again Server 1) however; the customer asked me if it is alright to set this setting to the Master IP address instead?

Has anyone tried to use the Master IP address instead of an NCP server address?

Thank you,

Parents Reply Children
  • My apologies for not being clearer in my initial description, when the customer was asking about the "Master IP Address" they were referring to the Master IP Address of a Cluster. So in this case the Master IP address for a set of Cluster Nodes not the Master IP address of a replica. From what I have been told by others is that the Master IP Address of the Cluster Nodes should not be used, instead using either the IP address of the Master of that partition or a Master Replica server.

    The basic requirement is that they are trying to put a preferred server into the Novell Client Properties that will keep them authenticating to one of their local servers instead of coming up to their Central Office to authenticate.

    Thank you,

  • Dschaldenovell,
    > From what I have been told by others is that the Master IP
    > Address of the Cluster Nodes should not be used, instead using either
    > the IP address of the Master of that partition or a Master Replica
    > server.

    Yes as that one will always be available

    Anders Gustafsson (NKP)
    The Aaland Islands (N60 E20)

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  • The cluster Master IP address is for the purpose of administering the cluster only. MAP commands should point to the IP address of the cluster resource holding that resource.

    Still not understanding what their problem is. Why do they care where preferred server is, or if it's blank or what? Why are they spending time on this? Typically any server in the cluster is equivalent for authentication, then they'll get connections to the mapped resources wherever they are.

    FTR on XP the client will by default do a ping test and connect to the fastest responding server. On Win7/8 unfortunately that functionality is not (yet) there, and it's effectively random.
  • The cluster Master IP address is for the purpose of administering the cluster only. MAP commands should point to the IP address of the cluster resource holding that resource.

    Still not understanding what their problem is. Why do they care where preferred server is, or if it's blank or what? Why are they spending time on this? Typically any server in the cluster is equivalent for authentication, then they'll get connections to the mapped resources wherever they are.

    FTR on XP the client will by default do a ping test and connect to the fastest responding server. On Win7/8 unfortunately that functionality is not (yet) there, and it's effectively random.