In the last two days, several OES 2018, 2023 and 23.4 were upgraded to OES 24.1 without major problems. However, there are a few small points that are annoying. These can be fixed quickly or need to be reworked by OT. We worked with Yast2 wagon.or zypper up
Beforehand, each system was checked for errors and the errors were corrected before installation. This task is really necessary for it to run smoothly
My little points
1. ) cat /etc/OES-brand delivers OES version 23.4 that is confusing --> supportconfig tells #==[ Configuration File ]=# # /etc/novell-release Open Enterprise Server 24.1 (x86_64) VERSION = 2023.1 PATCHLEVEL = 1 DISPLAY_RELEASE = 24.1
2) the documentation is still for 23.4
3.) in the SLD there is a file OES24.1.tar.xz which only contains rpm of version 24.1, where is the ISO?
4) as before, the iManager plugins are reinstalled, this really takes time (note - a zypper up also leads to a complete installation, but after the restart you should check whether a channel upgrade should be performed on the 5) GUI, if no then definitely ndsconfig upgrade)
5) With two new installations the zypper upgrade / yast2 wagon did not work. In supportconfig it could be seen from the zypper logs that there were problems with the registration of the servers. Reregistration solved the problem. @ OT - Please give a hint that a re-registration may be necessary
The small fixes e.g. that the install scripts forget to enter the port for the UMC and the postgres in the firewall config, that all patches are loaded into the cache before the installation and it can happen that the / partition can fill up if the snapper still performs snapshots or old snapshots are not cleaned up. Here you have to clean up during the installation to create space
@ OT Thank you for making the upgrade quite simple.
Greetings George
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