iManager did not upgrade 2018.3 => 23.4

I recently upgraded our server from OES 2018 SP3 to OES 23.4. 

The upgrade went relatively smoothly. No errors showed up.

Post-install, I installed the Unified Management Console (UMC). 

I am able to access this, though it seems clunky - requiring login multiple times when looking at storage etc. and only sometimes accepts credentials.

It contains a link to iManager but when opening this, it is the same iManager from 2018.3. (Version 3.2.6) Is this correct? Should it have been upgraded?

If there's no new iManager, is there a transiition to something new e.g. an identity plugin for UMC?


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    iManager is no-longer being developed, so the version number won't be changing anymore

    UMC is the future for the OES specific parts, but very much still under development. The stated intention is to get all the key things in it by the end of this year.

    The eDirectory team has replaced iManager with Identity Console (IC), which I believe is to become a part of the tool kit for OES related administration, but that hasn't been the clearest communication from the OES team, who appear to be sufficiently wrapped up in the neat new stuff they are achieving with UMC, that they tend to gloss over the basic needs of the day-to-day administration of an OES based system (user life span and file access). 

    UMC is progressing rapidly, so do make sure you are fully up-to-date.  Sometimes a registry issue prevents this, so make sure your system is still actually registered and up to date.

    #  cat /etc/*release
    Open Enterprise Server 24.1.1 (x86_64)
    VERSION = 2023.1
    DISPLAY_RELEASE = 24.1.1

    if different, you may not be registered and the following command would have few Repositories listed, if any.

    # zypper ref


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

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    I haven't run the update to 24.1. I have seen quite a few posts raising issues with the upgrade, particularly that iManager will no longer run.

    I haven't seen the Identity Console anyway. I assume that may come in with the 24.1 update.



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    Just an FYI, but I have three servers that were upgraded from 2018 SP3 to 24.1 and one that went from 2018 SP3 to 24.1.1.  iManager is running fine on all four.  I haven't touched IC or UMC yet.