We patch our servers unattended with Suse Manager, if we use zypper patch and there are interactive patches, often we can't do it unattended. The same patches work with zypper up unattended.
The actual patch run is a good example:
oestest-2024:~ # zypper --non-interactive patch -y --auto-agree-with-licenses
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Warning: Patch 'oes23.4-2024-14-1' is interactive, skipping.
Warning: Patch 'oes23.4-2024-13-1' is interactive, skipping.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.
zypper --non-interactive up -y --auto-agree-with-licenses
runs fully unattended
Is there a way to use zypper patch to patch a huge number of servers unattended?
Best regards