Deploy Kanaka 3.2 configuration

Hi all

Successfully deployed Kanaka Client 3.2 with ZenWorks, but I like to deploy configuration too. In that manner users only need to put in user/password.

Kanaka-server and port I like to deploy during installation.

Does anyone know, how to do that.

Thanks Markus

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    The newest kanaka version is 3.2.1 and this version works also with coming version osx 15

    how many server will you deploy? How many mac workstations?

    i had a documentation for install server and client and import certificate on apple side

    I had do this manually, not with zenworks

    what do you want really to do? only the clien side? Zenworks is actually version 24.2 and osx 15 is not supported

    but kanaka 3.2.1 works fine on this osx


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    Hi Claude

    There are only a few Mac-Books.Yes, Kanaka 3.2.1 works well.

    I hoped that I can deploy config too, so no manuall job is needed.

    BTW, I'm deploying Kanaka,PaperCut-Client and printers, iPrint-Client, Forticlient and others with ZCM ;-) (at this time 23.4). Most using own scripts.

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    this is super/great, Markus!

    do you known that zcm 24.2 is available and i had no trouble to install it, download the 17gb zip file and install it!

    i have tested kanaka with osx 15 beta and it works fine!