DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
This NLM is a plugin to the NetWare Remote Manager that provides trends on CPU Utilization (all processors, not just processor zero), Number of CPU Threads, client connection stats (total, not-logged-in, licensed, authenticated, what type the licensed connections are (IPX, IP, NLM)), volume use trends, Traditional file system cache, server memory, and more.
Works on both NetWare 5.1 and NetWare 6 and it's FREE!
After TRENDNW is loaded on the server, it will start gathering statistics. Data for the last minute and last hour are kept in memory only. Once a hour the hourly data is averaged and the max and average values are written to the trend file. By Default, statistics are tracked beyond an hour. An administrator can go and select which trends are tracked for the long term.
To view data gathered by TRENDNW, open a web browser to the NetWare Remote Manager on the server. In the left hand column, TRENDNW will have added an entry. Select this entry (NetWare under Trends). The page that is displayed will allow you to select various graphs of the statistics gathered.
There is not much configuration that is required for TRENDNW. To access the configuration information, Select the Configure Tracked NetWare Trends link. For each statistic you have two options. One option is to have TRENDNW record the trend data to a file over time. When selected, a file will be created and the hourly average and maximum values will be written to it.
The second option is to hide a statistic. If a statistic is hidden, it will not show up on the Select Additional Graphs page. A trend can be both hidden and tracked over time. Note: If you hide a trend statistic, a trend data file will be placed in the data directory. If history recording for the statistic is not selected, the file will not grow. If a hidden trend becomes one of the most active in the last minute/hour, it will still show up on the graphs on the main page.