DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
The current version accepts the operations Account, Alias, Attribute, Clone, Copy, Create, Delete, Dump, Equivalencies, Exists, ForAll, ForSet, Groups, List, LoginScript, Member, Move, NDS, Rename, Restrict, Rights, Security, Show, Visible
Quick for NDS allows you to specify the objects that you want to see/modify with object types and/or wildcards, so you work with exactly the objects that you select.
You may operate on any specified container, or may add an option to operate on all matching objects in the whole (sub)tree.
Quick for NDS is for system administrators. It may save you hours of time and reduce errors by automating standard administrative tasks. Store your standard tasks as batch jobs and run them at your convenience.
Requires: NetWare Client32 / NWErr32.dll .
Fully operational preview evaluation copy valid for a few weeks.