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NFARM for Mac – Configuration and Troubleshooting


Overview of NFARM for Mac

Beginning with OES2018 SP2, NFARM for Mac allows performing trustee management and quota management for AD users from MacOS.  The following are the functionalities:-

  • Manage Trustee rights, inherited rights filter, and view effective rights.
  • View trustees with rights from the selected path and sub directories or parent directories.
  • Quota management for users
  • Manage NSS attributes, directory quota, and ownership
  • Manage deleted files 

NFARM Installation


  • Join OES2018SP2 server and MAC client to same Active Directory Domain
  • Make sure that the CIFS share is AD enabled

Installing NFARM:

Download 'NFARM installer for Mac' from OES2018SP2 server.

  • Go To -> OES Server Welcome page -> Client Software.
  • Download, Launch the installer and proceed.
  • Once installation is done, Check System Preferences -> Extensions.
  • New extensions (FileRightsInfo and Salvage Purge) added under ‘All’. (Figure 1)
  • Finder Extensions should be enabled


Pre-requisites for launching NFARM

  • Map your CIFS share using the host name as an AD user. Go to Finder -> Go -> Connect to Server
  • Save the credentials in keychain (Figure 2). NFARM uses the mapped-in user’s credentials stored in the keychain to mount ‘IPC$’ and ‘_admin’ to interact with the OES server (Figure 3).



  • Relaunch Finder  OR  Execute  following commands from terminal
    • pluginkit –a /Applications/

    • pluginkit –a /Applications/

  • Go to mapped volume -> Right click of any folder-> Select ‘Deleted Files'  OR
  • Go to mapped volume -> Right click of any folder-> Select 'Rights Management' (Figure 4)



Now, you are all set to explore the functionalities of new NFARM for Mac (Figure 5).


You can find NFARM logs on MAC in the below mentioned location:-

  • Application log location - /Users/<username>/Library/Logs/nfarm/<application_name>.log
  • Crash Reports - /Users/<username>/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/
  • Run-time logs - Launch


NFARM for MAC – Troubleshooting Tips!!

1) 'Rights Management' or ‘Deleted Files’ Menu Not Available

To resolve this issue:

  • Click System Preferences > Extensions.
  • Verify the new extensions - FileRightsInfo and SalvagePurge are available under the ‘All’ option.
  • Ensure that the Finder extensions are enabled.

2) Unable to view Trustees in Trustee Rights or User Quotas

To resolve this issue:

  • Check for credentials saved in the keychain.
  • Modify and save the credential of the server in the Keychain if required.

3) Error Message – “Connection to AD Failed” or Not able to view the Users and/or Groups in AD browser

To resolve this issue:

  • Check if there is any issue with the AD connection
  • Example - Directory Utility -> Directory Editor -> Select “/Active Directory/<ad domain name>” in nodes. Should list all the users/groups

4) Unable to view ‘Rights Management’ menu or ‘Deleted Files’ menu on Right click of a folder after resolving DFS junction.

To resolve this issue:     

  • Relaunch Finder  OR  Execute  following commands from terminal

            pluginkit –a /Applications/

            pluginkit -a  /Applications/

5) NFARM Terminated Unexpectedly

    If the NFARM application crashes, unmount the IPC$ and _admin volumes (if it exists) and restart the application.

  • To verify, execute the command ‘df –h’.
  • umount –f /Volumes/IPC$
  • umount –f /Volumes/_admin

For more information, please refer OES 2018 SP2documentation , NFARM .

You can also find some cool solutions on NFARM on Windows and NFARM on MAC


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Comment List
  • Overview of NFARM for Mac

    Beginning with OES2018 SP2, NFARM for Mac allows performing trustee management and quota management for AD users from Mac OS.  The following are the functionalities:-

    • Manage Trustee rights, inherited rights filter, and view effective rights.
    • View trustees with rights from the selected path and sub directories or parent directories.
    • Quota management for users
    • Manage NSS attributes, directory quota, and ownership
    • Manage deleted files 

    NFARM Installation


    • Join OES2018SP2 server and MAC client to same Active Directory Domain
    • Make sure that the CIFS share is AD enabled

    Installing NFARM:

    Download 'NFARM installer for Mac' from OES2018SP2 server.

    • Go To -> OES Server Welcome page -> Client Software.
    • Download, Launch the installer and proceed.
    • Once installation is done, Check System Preferences -> Extensions.
    • New extensions (FileRightsInfo and Salvage Purge) added under ‘All’. (Figure 1)


    Figure1: New Extensions under System Preferences -> Extensions

    • Finder Extensions should be enabled

    Pre-requisites for launching NFARM

    • Map your CIFS share using the hostname as an AD user. Go to Finder -> Go -> Connect to Server
    • Save the credentials in Keychain (Figure 2). NFARM uses the mapped-in user’s credentials stored in the keychain to mount ‘IPC$’ and ‘_admin’ to interact with the OES server (Figure 3).


        Figure2: Storing server credential to keychain


    Figure3: Permission to access required credential in keychain

    • Relaunch Finder  OR  Execute  following commands from terminal

    pluginkit –a /Applications/

    pluginkit –a /Applications/

    • Go to mapped volume -> Right click of any folder-> Select ‘Deleted Files'  OR
    • Go to mapped volume -> Right click of any folder-> Select 'Rights Management' (Figure 4)

    Figure4: Finder Extensions

     Figure5: Landing page for ‘Rights Management’

    Now, you are all set to explore the functionalities of new NFARM for Mac (Figure 5).


          You can find NFARM logs on MAC in the below mentioned location:-

    • Application log location - /Users/<username>/Library/Logs/nfarm/<application_name>.log
    • Crash Reports - /Users/<username>/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/
    • Run-time logs - Launch


    NFARM for MAC – Troubleshooting Tips!!

    • 'Rights Management' or ‘Deleted Files’ Menu Not Available


    To resolve this issue:

    • Click System Preferences > Extensions.
    • Verify the new extensions - FileRightsInfo and SalvagePurge are available under the ‘All’ option.
    • Ensure that the Finder extensions are enabled.


    • Unable to view Trustees in Trustee Rights or User Quotas

    To resolve this issue:

    • Check for credentials saved in the keychain.
    • Modify and save the credential of the server in the Keychain if required.
    • Error Message – “Connection to AD Failed” or Not able to view the Users and/or Groups in AD browser

    To resolve this issue:

    • Check if there is any issue with the AD connection
    • Example - Directory Utility -> Directory Editor -> Select “/Active Directory/<ad domain name>” in nodes. Should list all the users/groups
    • NFARM Terminated Unexpectedly

    If the NFARM application crashes, unmount the IPC$ and _admin volumes (if it exists) and      restart the application.

    • To verify, execute the command ‘df –h’.
    • umount –f /Volumes/IPC$
    • umount –f /Volumes/_admin


    • Unable to view ‘Rights Management’ menu or ‘Deleted Files’ menu on Right click of a folder after resolving DFS junction.

    To resolve this issue:     

    • Relaunch Finder  OR  Execute  following commands from terminal

    pluginkit –a /Applications/ 

    pluginkit -a                    /Applications/
