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Wrong figures in Retain Reporting

Hi all,

since upgrading from Retain 4.5 to 4.9 (then, then 4.9.1) we see wrong

figures in the reports. I´ve attached two screenshots ( -wrong (4.9.1) and -correct (4.5) )

so you can get the idea.

Do you also encounter this or are we the only ones?

(BTW we opened an SR for this back in April, but after 2 months we gave up because of "suboptimal support".)

Thank you in advance,


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    Please let me know the SR number so I can investigate what was sub-optimal about support.

    More importantly, please do log a new one and let me know the case number.



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    HI Tarik,

    thanks for your quick reply.

    It was SR#101292813121 

    Before opening a new one i first wanted to check with others in the community if they have the same problem or if i´m the only one - just to be sure.



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    Hi Thomas,

    I have reviewed the SR. There were unnecessary response delays from both sides but I will work to prevent our delays in future.

    We could not even get past providing log files to investigate and this is not good.

    Please let Yalcin know to contact me in case he experiences similar problems in future.

    If you do not receive feedback on your post this week, please log a case and let me know the number.

