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Presentation of search results(index) fails after reboot

I have Retain running on SLES 12

If I reboot the retain server at 6:001 AM and right after I login to Retain I cannot search for about 5 minutes while the indexer loads or does something. 

I now see there are results returned but they do not get to the users web browser, an additional search and the result time is 150ms and the user can see the results of the query.

Does this mean I have to reindex my data?

Do I need to increase the apache/tomcat timeout to 6 minutes?


06:01:00, 622 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Load properties for indexing engine solrcloud
06:01:00, 628 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Loading properties from classloader...
06:01:00, 628 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Successfully loading properties from classloader...
06:01:00, 628 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Successfully loaded properties for solrcloud
06:01:00, 674 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Load properties for indexing engine solrcloud
06:01:00, 674 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Loading properties from classloader...
06:01:00, 674 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Successfully loading properties from classloader...
06:01:00, 674 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Successfully loaded properties for solrcloud
06:01:00, 675 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Load properties for indexing engine solrcloud
06:01:00, 675 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Loading properties from classloader...
06:01:00, 675 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Successfully loading properties from classloader...
06:01:00, 675 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Successfully loaded properties for solrcloud
06:01:01, 146 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Load properties for indexing engine solrcloud
06:01:01, 146 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Loading properties from classloader...
06:01:01, 146 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Successfully loading properties from classloader...
06:01:01, 146 [INFO ] [StartupThreadProcess] LocalIndexingFactory: Successfully loaded properties for solrcloud
06:01:19, 799 [INFO ] [StatsUpdater] SolrCloudIndexingStats: Stats updater launched
06:01:19, 813 [DEBUG] [StatsUpdater] SolrCloudIndexingStats: Stats update goes to sleep
06:01:19, 839 [TRACE] [SolrCloudUnindexedReaderThread] UnindexedHandlerThread: idsList == null || idsList.size() == 0
06:43:12, 676 [TRACE] [ActiveMQ Session Task] SolrCloudIndexingSearcher: searching with offset: 0, count: 25
06:43:12, 677 [INFO ] [ActiveMQ Session Task] SolrCloudIndexingSearcher: Performing search of: ( _query_:"*:*" )
06:43:12, 677 [INFO ] [ActiveMQ Session Task] SolrCloudIndexingSearcher: start=0 rows=25
06:43:12, 679 [DEBUG] [ActiveMQ Session Task] SolrCloudIndexingSearcher: SolrClient start query: q=+(+_query_:"*:*"+)+&fl=id,parentnode&timeAllowed=600000&facet.threads=8&facet=true&facet.query=+(+_query_:"subject_std:*"+)+&facet.query=+(+_query_:"from_std:*"+)++OR++(+_query_:"senderDisplay_std:*"+)+&facet.query=+(+_query_:"recipients_std:*"+)+&facet.query=+(+_query_:"sdomain_std:*"+)++OR++(+_query_:"rdomain_std:*"+)+&facet.query=+(+_q
06:48:13, 257 [DEBUG] [ActiveMQ Session Task] SolrCloudIndexingSearcher: Search elapsed milliseconds in indexer=300578
06:52:36, 252 [TRACE] [ActiveMQ Session Task] SolrCloudIndexingSearcher: searching with offset: 0, count: 25
06:52:36, 253 [INFO ] [ActiveMQ Session Task] SolrCloudIndexingSearcher: Performing search of: ( _query_:"*:*" )
06:52:36, 253 [INFO ] [ActiveMQ Session Task] SolrCloudIndexingSearcher: start=0 rows=25
06:52:36, 255 [DEBUG] [ActiveMQ Session Task] SolrCloudIndexingSearcher: SolrClient start query: q=+(+_query_:"*:*"+)+&fl=id,parentnode&timeAllowed=600000&facet.threads=8&facet=true&facet.query=+(+_query_:"subject_std:*"+)+&facet.query=+(+_query_:"from_std:*"+)++OR++(+_query_:"senderDisplay_std:*"+)+&facet.query=+(+_query_:"recipients_std:*"+)+&facet.query=+(+_query_:"sdomain_std:*"+)++OR++(+_query_:"rdomain_std:*"+)+&facet.query=+(+_q
06:52:36, 341 [DEBUG] [ActiveMQ Session Task] SolrCloudIndexingSearcher: Search elapsed milliseconds in indexer=87

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    If you go to Server Configuration, Index, you can check some details. Especially when the last Index optimization happened.

    If you re-index the whole server, it can take hours, days, even weeks - depending on your Retain server size.

    There is another part you can consider - update to a newer version Wink !

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

  • 0 in reply to   

    I wish I could upgrade to a newer version, but at the time that is forbidden.

    I see the index optimization is set to run daily: Last Index Optimization 02-Dec-2021 02:02:01

    I also see :

    Re-indexes all messages and updates existing index with changes. Searches will work as normal during the re-index process.

    Index optimization will require 206.86 GB of free disk space on the drive. (1 segments will be merged).

    indexingSchema 1
    indexingType High Performance Index
    hibernateVersion 4.3.11.Final

  • 0   in reply to 

    What do you see if you check index cluster?

    Index Cluster: Indexed: 373133, unindexed: 0, failed: 453
    Indexing Node Core Shard Cluster State Connectivity
    1 https://localhost:48081/hpi retaincore shard1 member online

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    similar to yours

    Indexed: 18848487, unindexed: 0, failed: 16791

  • 0   in reply to 

    So I assume that your index is okay. 

    You have mentioned that you cannot search after login. After any login? Or only after restarting Retain?

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

  • 0 in reply to   

    I can browse on the first tab, but on the second tab search just sits there and does nothing, after the 5 minutes my search for * comes back immediately(87 ms)

  • 0   in reply to 

    So does this happen any time, not only after your morning restart?

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

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    However do not forget that you have an opportunity to open a case. Especially for older versions of Retain (4.8 is one of these) I received some small "code pieces" to fix issues.

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

  • 0 in reply to   

    I have the server reboot every day now and after the reboot at 6am the first search takes about 5 minutes or the browser times out, the next search is fine.  The same thing happens if I restart retain-tomcat.  So all my users think the server is broken and the next time I try it works perfect.  The users hate this feature.

  • 0   in reply to 

    Joe, my experience is that Retain needs some time until all services are fully functional. Especially tomcat services need some time.

    Move your reboot or restart of services to an earlier time of activity. So Retain will be ready at an early point.

    Why do you restart retain-tomcat? Is there a reason? I see Retain server which are running for weeks and even months without restart ...

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!