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Is it safe to change the Retain Base Storage Path?

I have a retain install that the Base Storage Path is presently at: /arcserver

I would like to move it to : /data/arcserver

can I :

  1. stop retain/apache
  2. umount /arcserver
  3. mount /data/arcserver
  4. start topcat/apache
  5. edit /opt/beginfinite/retain/RetainServer//WEB-INF/cfg/ASConfig.cfg to change paths
  6. login as admin and verify the "Server Configuration" "Base Storage Path" to :/data/arcserver
  7. fix the fstab

Is there a way to do this with a GUI?



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    Yes, there is

    In many similar situations I created a symbolic link for the old storage location. i.e. ln -s /data/arcserver /arcserver

    Sometimes it causes less mental work Innocent

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

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    Yes, almost like moving the entire server.

    Is your database in the same path, then there are more things to cover on that front

    A general moving Retain TID


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

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    Hi Diethmar,

    I think I will follow your suggestion:

    1. stop retain/apache
    2. make backup copy of /opt/beginfinite/retain/RetainServer//WEB-INF/cfg/ASConfig.cfg 
    3. umount /arcserver
    4. mount /data/arcserver
    5. create symlink  ln -s /data/arcserver /arcserver
    6. start topcat/apache
    7. login as admin and chage/verify the "Server Configuration" "Base Storage Path" to :/data/arcserver
    8. fix the fstab

    Thank you Diethmar!