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Read timed out; nested exception is Read timed out


I have just recently started getting this error in our Retain jobs and all of a sudden our jobs are taking extremely long to complete.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

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    What versions are involved and what systems are we Retaining here?

    Any recent changes, such as notable patching?

    Which OS/version are we running Retain on?

    that suggests a communication issue, though that could be just parts of the server talking to other parts of the server.


    Andy of in Toronto
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    And watch your POA(s). Maybe you see some high load there; especially SOAP threads. Sometimes restarting your POA will heal some issues ...

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    Thanks I should have mentioned

    Retain ver

    SLES 15 SP2

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    I had same problem, did you tried to restart everything ? Sometime is this problem with Java memory hog. In my case reboot of Retain server solved the problem.
