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What file system to use for a new Retain system?


I've to install a new Retain server for a large amount of archive. What file system do you recommend? XFS or EXT4?


José Luis

  • Verified Answer


    Hello José

    the Retain systems I have installed always run with XFS. But from my point of view there is more to consider.

    With Retain it can happen that e.g. /var/opt/beginfinite/retain/index path is filled with data if you install according to standard instructions. Therefore I build the systems in such a way that I mount partitions into the directories over a Bind mount.


    /dev/xvdb1 /beginfinite in fstab

    Later then in fstab

    /bginfinite/index /var/opt/beginfinite/retain/index path none bind

    To protect the filesystem I use in the "substructure" immutable snapshots and backups of the retain system which must fit together. But to describe this is too complex

    Best regards


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    So it is a question of religion. Innocent

    I use ext4 in most cases - I see that Microfocus prefers ext4 for their virtual appliances too. However I am not really a file system specialist - Georg seems to be fitter!


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