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Event in pending state - error finding DS object

Have a policy applied to a container with over 4000 user objects. Was applying the policy and some 24 objects are pending. The details on the event show:
Last Error as 15: Directory Services object could not be found.
I assume it is talking about the user object. I can see and manage the object in iManager and can search for it and see it in iMonitor. The object seems fine

Here are the details of the event.... Not sure why last attempt time shows as 1969

Transaction ID 4341
Dependent Transaction ID -
Event Time 8/20/2018 12:49 PM
Last Attempt Time 12/31/1969 6:00 PM
Next Process Time 8/20/2018 3:12 PM
Event Type (Action) 5 : Set Policy User
Current State 15 : Setting managed path attribute to proxy path
Try Count 25
Can Bypass False
Event Source Engine
Active False
Deferred True
Deferred Notes
Last Error 15 : Directory Services object could not be found.
Object Information
Object FDN CN=Pcb.OU=InactiveUsers.OU=CSC.O=UWMedicine
Object ID 133
Object GUID {0E9D2A43-FBB9-11D5-A8CC-00034708F4C5}
Object Created -
Object Deleted -
Policy Information
Effective Policy ID 1
Effective Policy InactiveUSers_Policy
Delegation Information
Delegated No
Delegation Agent -
Event Specific Data
Target Path \\PDOMSOFS01\VAULT\Inactive\Pcb