using nsm 3.1.1 for AD (servers are 2008R2) and suddenly new users are not being managed. I have restarted the server and restarted services but I am now getting no heartbeat in the NSM dashboard and if I try and manually restart the nsm event monitor service, it gets stuck in the "stopping" state, I can kill the process from task manager and then restart the service but it still doesn't work. When I checked the server because there were issues reported with new account creation there was no indication in dashboard that there was a problem with the event service but since I restarted it it doesn't see the heartbeat. It looks like the problem has been there for a few days going by the last modified date on the e-cache database. I carried out the standard prune routine for the ecache database (i.e checking for cached events, stopping the services and renaming the database) when the service was restarted, the new database was created but the modification stamp hasn't changed (I'm assuming because to all intents and purposes the event service is not running)
any help would be appreciated. It has been running happily for over two years.