Hi, I recently tested VM Explorer, as used on three of my customer sites, with the relatively new StoreServ 3PAR snapshot integration capability, only to be very disappointed that it couldn't use them. It creates them correctly, but can't map them, so they are then removed, and VMX proceeds with a traditional backup. The support case went no where as the array is running 3.3.1 and VM Explorer _ONLY_ supports 3.1.3. Given this archaic and restrictive support, it makes the 3PAR snapshot support statement useless, the 3PAR community is now mostly on 3.2.1, 3.2.2 & 3.3.1, the 3.1.3 release is all but obsolete on EOSL arrays. Please either qualify a valid current release of the 3PAR OS, or remove your marketing messages around support for 3PAR snapshots.