I'm having trouble with the listing of all EXE files on a machine and add it as a Local Product.
The inventory is configured to collect .exe from all folders, except some exceptions, like here. The list of excluded folders was configured by the previous admin.
We have a machine that shows a Product (Matrix Multimedia Ltd. Flowcode V5 for dsPIC_PIC24 5.5) in its inventory. Proof.
But... when I go to reports, software files and try to find the .EXE file associated with the app, it does not show up anywhere. Here is the report definition and result, where you can see the the file is not listed. As can you see here and here, it should be showing in "c:\program files (x86)" somewhere.
It's annoying, to say the least, as it's not working as expected. Or are my expectations wrong? Anyway, this is not the main problem.
The problem is that I want to tracka previous version, Flowcode V4, that is not recognized by ZENworks. So my only option is to create a Local Software Product. And I can't do that: the .EXE for the Flowcode V4 is nowhere to be found.
Any ideas?