12/22/09 14:06:28 - Collection Client initialized
12/22/09 14:06:28 - /usr/local/zam/zamclient
12/22/09 14:06:28 - pid: 185 uid: 0 euid: 0
12/22/09 14:06:28 - Client Version 7.50.0009 built Oct 10 2006 14:37:17.
12/22/09 14:06:28 - Options= First:0, Port:0, Online:0, Svc:0, SN:0
12/22/09 14:06:29 - EstablishOperatingMode
12/22/09 14:06:29 - running in Normal mode
12/22/09 14:06:29 - Changing to Idle Mode
12/22/09 14:06:29 - sysinfo reports version:
12/22/09 14:06:29 - client getting connection info.
12/22/09 14:06:29 - raw hostname: desktopmbp.clients.hslc.wisc.edu
12/22/09 14:06:29 - conninfo - lang: 1, plat: 21, cfgid:
12/22/09 14:06:29 - conninfo - cname: desktopmbp, uname: medschadmin, LANadd: 0026B0EEFA28, sn:
12/22/09 14:06:29 - conninfo - oid: 748AD862-EE79-11DE-9AF0-0026B0EEFA28
12/22/09 14:06:29 - CreateListener: port=7461; inbox=/usr/local/zam/InboxCC
12/22/09 14:06:29 - CWinsockMsgServer::SetLocalHostInfo() completed.
12/22/09 14:06:29 - CCollectionServer::SetRemoteHostInfo: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - - 7460
12/22/09 14:06:29 - ConnectForScanMode to (
12/22/09 14:06:29 - 29xID: LAN addr: 0026B0EEFA28
12/22/09 14:06:29 - Connected to
12/22/09 14:06:29 -
12/22/09 14:06:29 - Connected to Server.
12/22/09 14:06:29 - initial connect state: 1
12/22/09 14:06:30 - Received RequestForCatalog
12/22/09 14:06:30 - Sent Catalog
12/22/09 14:15:36 - Received signal 30
12/22/09 14:15:36 - Msg: type: 26, length: 0, data: (not text)
12/22/09 14:15:36 - Received SCANNOW message
12/22/09 14:15:36 - Sending ScanWorkstation (748AD862-EE79-11DE-9AF0-0026B0EEFA28)
12/22/09 14:15:37 - Sent ScanWorkstation request.