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Integrating existing third party dataset with ZAM

We're new to Zen Asset Management, but we've figured out how to add custom fields. We'd like to be able to populate these custom fields with data from a home grown database of hardware. For instance, a capital year of purchase or a fiscal-assigned capital asset identifier. I'm sure we can key off of TCP/IP address and write the SQL UPDATE statements, if necessary. I searched documentation and the web for an answer or direction, but keywords like: 'migrate', 'import', and similar keywords have a specific technical meaning within the application.

Is there a method to integrate existing hardware information into the ZAM framework? If so, can you point me in the right direction?
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    Yes, there are ways to do it using SQL queries, but you should have a DBA working with you to ensure data integrity.
    Also, contact Novell before proceeding, they may have an issue with you doing this from a support perspective.

    Finally, ask Novell. They may also have ways to do this that I am not aware of.