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Device count mismatch. ZCM: 68, Device Manager: 1

While multiple monitors are nice, one user is showing 68 on his ZCM Tower device, but there is only one showing in Device Manager (and physically).
  And there hasn't been that many monitors in that office total in the 3+ years. 
    So what gives with such a discrepancy?
What should I be looking at to figure this out?  We see this sort of thing on a few systems, such as 4 keyboards on Notebook.

Windows 10 Pro for Workstations x64 Version 2009 Build 19043 and ZCM 2020.1  (could patches hold off long enough to get caught up with them? Yes, utopian dream in a world where the majority of patches don't add to the bottom line)

(and imagining a wall of 68 monitors.  oh the fun one could have)


Andy of in Toronto
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    I AM Jealous Slight smile

    Try running "zac inv -f scannow" to force a full inventory scan to see if that clears up things?

    ZENworks just normally does a differential to track changes, but over time sometimes noise can build up.


    I would also scan the "Services-Messages.log" and some backups to look for entries about "Device Renamed".

    This can be normal if someone renames a PC or if a PC is imaged and restored as a new device name.

    However, if you see it often and involving the same GUID, it could be a sign multiple physical devices are sharing the same device object.

    I could imagine something like this could easily confuse inventory.  This normally happens when using Snapshot Based imaging and the GUID is not removed from the image causing devices to share a single device object.  I'm not saying that is happening but 68 monitors is quite odd.


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    That made a nice difference, for a while.  took more than a day to show, but it came through with zero 'Color Monitor's and just the one Dell Monitor.  Now it is back up to 'only' 66 Color Monitor (not even proper English Colour Monitors that doesn't get a red underline ;) and two different Dell monitors.  sigh, thought we were there.

    I've been trying to get that command rolled out as a simple bundle, but no luck on that.  Any hints in that direction of kicking it to all systems?

    At the beginning of the week, I saw over 1800 color monitors,  today it is 3374.  All for 137 devices.  (virtual??)

    So, pointing now more to the duplicate GUID issue. Is there a quick way to pull all those GUIDs so that we can sort and see what stands out as duplicate?  or other ways to find and path to fix?

     I see what Renamed instances I can find.


    Andy of in Toronto
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    Just create a "Launch Executable" Action that runs "ZAC.exe".

    -f  Scannow would be the "Command Line Parameters".


    It's optional, but I like restricting it to run when a "User" is logged in so that when ZENworks collects the "Logged on User" data for inventory, it gets a user....This is why I set a "SYSREQ" for LogonServer for the bundle but that is totally optional.


    Under Assignments, I do not make it appear anywhere but if you wanted you could.

    I set the bundle to run on a schedule of once every "3 Months", which again is just some semi-random frequency.

    A Fully Scan is not normally always needed.  Some Folks do turn off Inventory via the scheduler and ONLY run it via a bundle, but keep in mind this will increase the load around each scan.  If you are the type that runs an inventory scan "Daily", Forcing a Full Scan is much less desirable than someone who collects Monthly.   If you have 100,000 Devices, a "Full Scan" is going to add more overhead than if you have 1,000 Devices.....

    Note: The "Fixed Interval" option should minimize any "Spike" from all devices running it at the same time, unlike the "Weekly" or "Monthly Option" which may have all devices kick off on the same day.  The "Interval" option will tend to cause devices to slowly spread out over time so the "7/30/60" Day mark is just a different day.

    Note: I do recommend the "Process Immediately" if not able to run on schedule.


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    So no instances of 'Renamed' found in the 4 years of logs,  both the older gz and newer zip.

    ZCM:/var/opt/novell/log/zenworks # zgrep -i Renamed services-messages.log.*

    devices have been renamed in that time, so I found that a bit interesting.

    Is this a clue that this is NOT a duplicate GUID issue or just covers one of the possible symptoms?


    Andy of in Toronto
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    I've been trying to run that command as a bundle to no joy,  but have now adjusted it as per your settings.  Now wait and see.

    And that user is back to just one monitor with the total down to 3307 accordingly, so I may have just caught it before it was to run at lunch today.   Fingers Xed.

    Every 3 months as a catch loose ends, as you describe is what I was aiming for long term, and thank you for confirming the details.


    Andy of in Toronto
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