While multiple monitors are nice, one user is showing 68 on his ZCM Tower device, but there is only one showing in Device Manager (and physically).
And there hasn't been that many monitors in that office total in the 3+ years.
So what gives with such a discrepancy?
What should I be looking at to figure this out? We see this sort of thing on a few systems, such as 4 keyboards on Notebook.
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations x64 Version 2009 Build 19043 and ZCM 2020.1 (could patches hold off long enough to get caught up with them? Yes, utopian dream in a world where the majority of patches don't add to the bottom line)
(and imagining a wall of 68 monitors. oh the fun one could have)
Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto
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