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Enabling End Point Security

I just want to throw this out here for comments.

We have been running ZCM for about a year now with all other modules disabled. I'm about to enable End Point Security and wonder what and if there would be anything that will change on the client sides?

I don't want to enable it and something unexpected happens?

Any comments would be great.

Thank you.
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    My advice, use a phased approach.

    Enabling ZESM introduces some new features at the agent side. You need to be familiar with those before your users call you.

    Take a couple of machines, and enable the Endoint Security modules at the device level (Override settings inhereted from the Zone). This way, you can test on some machines first. You can also do this at folder level, if you have your devices organized hierarchically.



    From: odegos<>
    Date: 10/12/2011 11:06 am
    Subject: Enabling End Point Security

    I just want to throw this out here for comments.

    We have been running ZCM for about a year now with all other modules
    disabled. I'm about to enable End Point Security and wonder what and if
    there would be anything that will change on the client sides?

    I don't want to enable it and something unexpected happens?

    Any comments would be great.

    Thank you.

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