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Force users to connect to the cable LAN?

Hi everyone!

I am a IT-administrator at a school in Norway with at least 470 computers in total. We use ZENworks 11 on about 350 of them.

The largest problem for us is to make sure everyone using their laptop, connects to the local cable network at out school, so the computer get windows updates, policies, upgrades and other software installations and reports. About 60% of the laptops is never using the local cable network.. this is a problem since we are controlling the computers through Zenworks agent (patch, and so on)

And if they are on the local cable network, they only use their local user, so that the policies and so on published with zenworks or active directory is never updated. This is a security issue for us!

Is there a policy or similar to force users to connect to the local cable network, meaning: If f.ex they do not connect to this network within 30 days, the local user will be disabled (not the built-in local administrator) or anything that forces the user to contact the IT-department to enable the computer again?
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