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How to allow USB devices with long serial numbers?

I have a policy that disables use of USB mass storage devices, other than devices the company has approved for use.  I use the ZENWorks device scanner to collect serial numbers and various other identifiers for each device.  Unfortunately the SanDisk 3.2 USB devices have serial numbers exceending 50 characters.  The Zenworks policy will not allow serial numbers longer than 50 characters.  Is there a way to work around this so that the specific device can be allowed without allowing all SanDisk 3.2 devices (which may or may not have been approved for use)?

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    This is expected to be Fixed in the next major update due in Q3.  The Max Length of that value will be increased.  This was to be called 20.4 but will now be called something along the lines of ZENworks 23.3 or at least will have 23.3 in the update name someplace.  This will align with the new versioning/naming standard of OpenText.

    It is possible that support may be able to fix you a patch.....The Code Work is complete and was to be released in a prior patch, but the issue is it also takes a Database Alteration to accept more than 50 characters.  Minor Updates do not alter DB setup, so it had to be delayed until 20.4 which is the type of update that can alter the db itself.


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    Thanks for this information.  Glad to know the problem will be fixed.