DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
On Tuesday, November 12, as part of a company wide initiative to bring all corporate websites under the OpenText brand, the Community will be down briefly around 11am Eastern / 8am Pacific as we transition to a new domain name. The community will be offline while we make the change and when it comes back online it will be located at and the old domain will redirect to this new location. Thank you for your patience as we make this important change.
This covers the install of Zen Reporting Services (included in ZCM). Because of the software and hardware requirements, it's recommended to have a dedicated ZRS server (based upon our size). This will also give us a fault tolerance ZCM Primary server environment. This is document is specific to ZCM 10.3.x installed on SLES 10 SP3 64-bit using an external Oracle 10g R2 running on Sun Solaris. My main purpose for composing this document was due to lack of information in Novell's own ZCM documentation as well as the fact that Oracle doesn't officially support SLES 10 SP3 64-bit for Oracle 10g R2 Linux client. So information was not easily forthcoming to get this to work.
ZRS requires that it be installed on an EXISTING ZCM Primary Server. You can have more than one primary server in a ZCM Zone. This gives fault tolerance (in case a primary server is down, the other primary can furnish requests). However, ZRS can only be installed ONCE per zone (ZRS is not fault tolerant).
This also assumes that you have already installed your first ZCM Primary server and configured it to use an external Oracle 10g R2 database. In my case, our Oracle DBA created a schema/database for me, and provided me with the connection information as well as the userid/password for that schema. You would've used this information when you installed and setup the initial ZCM Primary server.
I created a XEN VM with 3.0 GB of RAM (minimum required by ZRS) and 25 GB of drive space. The min. requirements are 5 GB of drive free space unless the TEMP variable is using the same drive, in which case it needs 10 GB free. We will use the EXISTING ZCM 10.x external Orace Database. I also installed the compiler pattern. Obviously if you already have setup your Linux server according to your standard, just make sure to have the requirements met beforehand.
Also ZRS requires the Oracle Client to be installed if you're using Oracle. This is a challenge because Oracle doesn't support SLES 10 with Oracle 10g. But there's a way to get it installed.
First, we need to install ZCM onto our secondary ZCM server (you COULD install it onto a single server but this is not advised). In my example, the secondary Primary server is called:
Follow the same instructions that you used for installing your initial Primary ZCM 10.3.x server, except use:
(again, in my example, I already have installed a ZCM Primary server, so I'm going to ADD this secondary Primary server into the existing zone).
(The SSL port may vary. If you're using plain SLES, then probably 443 will be free. My first Primary server was on OES2, so I had to change the ports).
You may get a pop-up about the SSL Certificate. If so, just click Yes.
Wait a while. Maybe about 5-10 minutes.
Follow the rest of the prompts (click Next) like you did for your first ZCM Primary server that you installed.
Now we have to install the Oracle Client. Most of what I have here is based upon the actual Oracle Linux client installation docs, plus whatever I was able to finesse out of the ZCM documentation and some assistance from some tech support contacts with Novell.
This assumes you have obtained the Oracle Linux 64-bit 10g client. Copy the tar.gz file to the co-zrs-pilot server. This assumes you are logged into the server as: root. Each bulleted item is a task you have to do, with the command(s) you type listed below in an UNBULLETED format.
Rather than use the command line to do this (it won't create the home directory correctly), I used Yast -> Security and Users -> User management
Click Add:
Click Details:
Make sure to check the box for the "oinstall" group.
And make sure that the "default" group is: oinstall
Click Accept and then Finish.
md oracle
Edit the /etc/SuSE-release file so that it goes from:
Logout of the server and login again as "oracle"
cd client/
Select Advanced and click Next
Select next (as long as the screen shows as above)
Novell says to select Administrator, not custom
Select Administrator and click Next
Click Next (again, this assumes that your oracle path was setup as above. This may vary in your environment).
A Pre-Requisite screen comes up. Wait
(pre-req screen that will automatically go away)
Click Install
Click Next
The key here is that the service name that you enter here MATCHES the EXACT Same service name that you used when you installed ZCM 10.3.x onto your first primary server. And, it is desired to use the FQDN (ie, don't use: service. Use service.domain)
Click Next
Again, your connection information may vary. We use a rather large server to host multiple Oracle Schema, so each item has a unique port number. Again, you would've already obtained and used this information when you installed ZCM.
In my case, I chose "yes".
We had the Oracle DBA give us a dedicated userid/password for the initial ZCM installation. So I had to change the login to use this same connection information.
This one gets strange. Normally for Oracle, we would NOT use the FQDN for the service name (ie, I would use: service) However, if you choose to use that method, you'll have to adjust the SQLNET.ORA file later (also included here). I believe that if you put the FQDN for the service name, then you'll be fine later.
Select No and click Next.
Open a terminal and type: (if you don't already have a terminal window open that's still using the "root" user). Remember, we did the install as the "oracle" user.
Enter the root user's password
Then execute the scripts:
Now re-edit the /etc/SuSE-release file and change it BACK to SLES 10:
We need to adjust the /etc/profile.local
Then save the file
Then do a:
chmod x /etc/profile.local
(Ironically Novell's own install for ZRS does NOT modify this file, but it modifies the /etc/profile instead which is a "no-no" since that file explicitly states to NOT modify it because future patches may overwrite it).
Edit the TNSNAMES.ORA and SQLNET.ORA files
Adjust the /oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/tnsnames.ora so that it looks like:
(this is because the Oracle Client install won't put the "" at the end of the name and it'll mess things up. If you're following the Novell docs, they'll have you run the tnsping "service name" which will probably work. However, Novell's installation of ZRS doesn't utilize the TNSNAMES.ORA when it executes the same tnsping, so you may want to double-check the SQLNET.ORA.
Adjust the: /oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/sqlnet.ora file (apparently this is what Novell uses for ZRS installation even though the docs don't tell you that it's using this for the tnsping test).
You need to go into YaST -> Software and search for: libstd (only if installing onto 64-bit Linux I believe)
Check the box for the item above and click Accept.
Mount the ZENworks10_SP3_Reporting_Lin.iso file (or CD or however you wish to do it).
Run the
Click OK
Click Next
Accept the license Agreement, click Next
Click Next at the language selection (assuming English is what you want)
Assuming it passes the checks:
Click Install
It will take a bit of time
New Step as of 9/21/10:
You need to grant rights to the oracle home directory (in our case its:
As follows:
chmod –R 755 /oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
Then do a:
/etc/init.d/BobjEnterprise120 stop
/etc/init.d/BobjEnterprise120 start
Otherwise the BOE won't work.