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Version information in ZENworks Orchestrator

If you have the ZENworks Orchestrator Console running, there are facts that show the version and build numbers of the running components.

The ZENworks Orchestrator Server build number and version are visible in the facts table when you select the server in the tree view. Likewise, you can see the ZENworks Orchestrator Agent build number and version in the facts table for a selected resource.

If ZENworks Orchestrator is installed but not running, you can find the version and build numbers from a properties file. On a Linux console where the agent is installed run the following commands for the version and build number:
$ cd /opt/novell/zenworks/zos/agent/conf
$ grep number
eas.product.buildnumber = 21075
$ grep version
eas.product.version = 1
eas.product.version.major = 1
eas.product.version.minor = 2
eas.product.version.point = 0
eas.product.version.full = 1.2.0
eas.console.version.full = 1.2.0
eas.jar.version = /opt/novell/zenworks/zos/agent/lib/common/version.jar

For the ZENworks Orchestrator Server, search for the same strings in /opt/novell/zenworks/zos/server/conf/

On a Windows machine, the file will also be present but will be located in C:\Program Files\Redmojo\Agent\conf\


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