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Installation of WADK 10 for uploading Zenworks Thirdparty Image settings and Creation of a winpe.iso



The main objective of this article is to give step by step procedure for installation of WADK 10 for Thirdparty Image settings upload to ZCC and creation of Winpe.iso for winpe(.zmg) and thirdparty imaging(.wim and .gho).


ZENworks Configuration Management (ZCM) provides the rights to the administrator to create the Image of windows devices using Microsoft ImageX that uses the WIM image file format and Wi.nPE as the distro and Symantec Ghost that uses the GHO image file format and WinPE as the distro. ZCM also supports take and restore of an image in .zmg format using ZENworks Img that uses the WinPE as the distro. To get this WinPE as the distro winpe.wim, imagex and ghost files should be uploaded in Thirdpaty Imaging Settings of ZCC. These files should be uploaded from WAIK/ WADK installed machine.

This article provides the steps install WAIK/ WADK and creation of WinPE.iso.


2.1 Installation of WADK.

Ensure that WAIK/ WADK is installed from a build-in Administrator account, so that we don’t face any issues while uploading the winpe.wim files to ZCC.

There are two ways to enable the built-in administrator account. The easiest method is from within Computer Management.

Note: Computer Management is only available in Windows 10 Pro. Use the Command Prompt instructions below for Windows 10 Home.

Right-click the Start menu (or press Windows key X) > Computer Management, then expand Local Users and Groups > Users.


                                   Figure: Enabling Administrator account

Select the Administrator account, right click on it then click Properties. Uncheck Account is disabled, click Apply then OK.


                                         Figure: Unchecking Account disabled option



Enable Built-in Administrator from Command Prompt (Windows 10 Home)

The command line can also be used to enable and disable the administrator account.

Open Start, type: CMD, right-click Command Prompt then click Run as administrator.

Type the following command and press Enter:

net user administrator /active:yes

To disable it, type the following command and press Enter:

Disabling it is just as easy, type net user administrator /active:no


Figure: Enabling Built-in Administrator from Command Prompt


WAIK is supported for Windows 7 family and Windows 2012 r2, etc. for more information follow the url

Download the waik setup from the above mentioned URL.

Winpe.wim location in the WAIK machine: C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\winpe.wim


WADK is supported for Windows 8 and later versions. In this example explained about WADK 10 version.

Download the WADK 10 from the URL:

Install it to the default location C:\Program Files(x86)\Windows Kits and proceed with the default installation.

2.2 ZCC Helper installation:

 Java 8.x version should be installed on a WAIK/ WADK installed machine to install ZCC helper.

Download the java 8 later version from the URL:

Download zcc helper from the ZCC using the URL: http://<server ip or name>/zenworks-setup/?pageId=tools , and install it.

While installing the ZCC helper on a WADK 10 machine, smart screen filter identifies it as a unauthorized application, click on more info button and choose Run anyway button to install.

ZCC helper is supported with IE8 and later, latest chrome and Firefox versions.

3.Uploading Third Party Image settings:

Navigate to Configuration -> Device Management -> Preboot Services -> Third Party Imaging Settings.

32 bit winpe.wim location in the WADK 10 is as follows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\x86\en-us\winpe.wim

64 bit winpe.wim location in the WADK 10 is as follows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\amd64\en-us\winpe.wim


for 32 bit imagex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\x86\DISM

for 64 bit imagex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\amd64\DISM

Note: Both 32 bit and 64 bit imagex files should not be uploaded in the same instance

for ex: Upload the 32 bit imagex file and click apply from the end of the page and then upload the 64bit imagex file.


Ghost 11.5 version only supported using ZENworks.

We can access the ghost 11.5 32 bit and 64 bit files from a wadk installed machine and upload them.

Note: If user has any customized winpe.wim's/ imagex files and ghost.exe files in the Network share/ any other external drive, those should be uploaded from WAIK/WADK installed machine only.

4. WinPE iso creation:

Using WinPE.iso we can perform Thirdparty imaging(.wim and .gho) and WinPE Imaging also.

Please go through the following sections for more information.

  1. Install ZCC helper from 17.2.0 and later version of ZCC (winpe.iso creation supported from ZENworks 2017 Update2 onwards).
  2. Navigate to ZCC helper installed path for WimProcessor.exe: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Novell\ZENworks\ZCCHelper\bin

Copy the WIMProcessor.exe to separate location or run from the default location (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Novell\ZENworks\ZCCHelper\bin).

4.1 Make an ISO:

Syntax:   WIMProcessor.exe makeiso <architecture> <imaging files path>

       Creation of winpe.iso without imaging files:


WIMProcessor.exe makeiso x86  


WIMProcessor.exe makeiso amd64  

Creation of winpe.iso with imaging files:


WIMProcessor.exe makeiso x86  3PIUtils


 WIMProcessor.exe makeiso amd64  3PIUtils\x86_64

Using the above commands,winpe_x86.iso and winpe_amd64.iso will be created inside the ISO folder in the same location from where WIMProcessor.exe is run.

Overwriting an ISO:

If you run WimProcessor.exe to make an iso for x86/amd64 again from the same location, it will prompt the user to overwrite with [Y/N] options. If Y is entered WimProcessor.exe proceeds to overwrite an existing iso, Wimprocessor.exe stops overwriting if N is entered.

Img files location in the server:

Linux server:

 X86: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/webapps/zenworks/ext/3PIUtils

X64: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/webapps/zenworks/ext/3PIUtils/x86_64

Windows Server:

X86: C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks\share\tomcat\webapps\zenworks\ext\3PIUtils\

X64: C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks\share\tomcat\webapps\zenworks\ext\3PIUtils\x86_64

  • While creating winpe.iso using WIMprocessor.exe, it will take the winpe.wim from the default WADK installed location.

X86: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\x86\en-us

 X64: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\amd64\en-us

If user wants to create a winpe.iso using customized winpe.wim, take the backup of original winpe.wim and copy the customized wim to the default WADK installed path, so that iso will be created with customized winpe.wim


  • Making winpe.iso with customized path of winpe.wim is not supported, by default it will take from WADK 10 installed path.
  • Ensure that x86_64 files are copied outside while creating an iso for x86 using img files from 3PIUtils
  • To perform a winpe auto imaging task using winpe.iso, set the server ip/name in zensettings.ini inside 3PIUtils and 3PIUtils\x86_64 in the following format



You can also set the proxy address using the following command from the winpe distro.

set PROXYADDR=<serverip/domain name>

ex: set PROXYADDR=xx.xx.xx.xx or set

 Thirdparty Imaging with winpe.iso:

 To perform thirdparty imaging with winpe.iso, respective winpe.wim,imagex and ghost files should be added to the imaging files folder during the creation of an iso.

Ex: Wimprocessor.exe makeiso x86 3PIUtils

winpe.wim,imagex and ghost 32 bit files should be added to the 3PIUtils folder.

5. Adding Packages and drivers to the winpe.wim


We can add the the packages and drivers to the winpe.wim WimProcessor.exe.

Please follow the below sections to add packages and drivers to the winpe.wim

5.1 Adding Packages to winpe.wim:

 Syntax: WIMProcessor.exe addpackage  winpe.wim

Ex: WIMProcessor.exe addpackage D:\winpe.wim D:\packages\

5.2 Adding drivers to winpe.wim:

Syntax: WIMProcessor.exe addpackage  winpe.wim driver.inf

Ex: WIMProcessor.exe adddriver D:\winpe.wim D:\drivers\net9500-x86-n630f

Adding Packages and drivers to the winpe.wim


  • To add the packages to the winpe.wim, .cab files only supported.
  • To add the drivers to the winpe.wim, .inf files only supported.
  • While adding the packages/drivers to the winpe.wim, winpe.wim file will be taken from the given location. If you already have the backup of original winpe.wim you can provide the default installation path of winpe.wim

6. Glossary of terms

ZCM – ZENworks Configuration Management

WADK – Windows Assessment Deployment Kit

WAIK – Windows Assessment Installation Kit

 ZCC - ZENworks Control Center




Configuration Management
How To-Best Practice
Comment List
  • Warning: This appears to be an old article that was republished by the system automatically from an older site.

    I recommend simply reading the Documentation found here.

    There are inaccuracies in this article.  It is not now nor has it ever been necessary to install anything as the built-in administrator account.  Depending on "UAC" settings  and browser of choice it may be necessary to launch the browser using "Run As Administrator", so that the browser process has the needed file system access permission to modify the files it will be uploading.  The account used to install WAIK/WADK has no bearing on this requirement.

    Outdated details include the following:

    Additionally, there is no requirement to install Java, since that is now included with the ZCC  Helper.

    The "PROXYADDR" address will also flow down automatically based upon which ever imaging server processed the imaging request.



    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button

    Be sure to "Like" My (and a few others) Cool Solutions below!

  • Warning: This appears to be an old article that was republished by the system automatically from an older site.

    I recommend simply reading the Documentation found here.

    There are inaccuracies in this article.  It is not now nor has it ever been necessary to install anything as the built-in administrator account.  Depending on "UAC" settings  and browser of choice it may be necessary to launch the browser using "Run As Administrator", so that the browser process has the needed file system access permission to modify the files it will be uploading.  The account used to install WAIK/WADK has no bearing on this requirement.

    Outdated details include the following:

    Additionally, there is no requirement to install Java, since that is now included with the ZCC  Helper.

    The "PROXYADDR" address will also flow down automatically based upon which ever imaging server processed the imaging request.



    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button

    Be sure to "Like" My (and a few others) Cool Solutions below!

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