Following extensive customer feedback and experience from the live deployment of ZENworks 10 Configuration Management we are making some key improvements to the System Update capabilities within ZENworks Configuration Management.
System Update is the mechanism where ZENworks Configuration Management connects to Novell Customer Center and downloads ZENworks patches, updates and Product Recognition Updates (PRUs).
- Product Recognition Updates
Firstly - ZENworks Product Recognition Updates are once again available via System Update. Customers should see PRUs become available and be applied to their inventory/discovery/Asset Management infrastructure.
- Update 1
Update 1 consists of around 80 updates to ZENworks 10 Configuration Management which provides a set of performance improvements, enhancements and bug fixes to the base product.
Update 1 will be available through the existing ZENworks Configuration Management System Update processes.
Update 1 is expected to be available in the early part of January 2008.
- Update 2
Update 2 is a set of additional updates, bug fixes and enhancements to ZENworks 10 Configuration Management as well as updates to the System Update engine itself.
Update 2 will also include updated ZENworks Imaging drivers to support newer hardware.
Update 2 will also be delivered using the System Update capability; and is targetted for within the first Calendar Quarter of 2008.
Update 2 will become a required update for ZENworks Configuration Management to enable future System Updates and upgrade to be applied to ZENworks Configuration Management.
We believe these two updates will provide a more comprehensive and improved service to ZENworks Configuration Management customers and partners; we are committed to delivering a high quality, on time release of these enhancements.