Zenworks Antivirus Agent Update Error -2022

Since yesterday we are seeing an error -2022 on all our machines when updating the ZAV Agent!
The actual Signature updates every ~4 hours are working but on checks between them the is throwing errors and even warning users that it is outdated...
(as of writing we are on Engine Version and Security Content Version 7.96878)

in  the "zmd-messages.log" i get the following error:

[ERROR] [06/05/2024 06:41:00.193] [5376] [ZenworksWindowsService] [77] [] [ZEN Antimalware] [05/06/2024 06:00:00 --  [ERROR] [5084] [ZavListener] [] [SYSTEM] [ZavOutput.log] [ProductEvent failure error: -2022] [ERROR] [] [] [] [ZENworks] ] [log) (ProductEvent failure error: -2022) (ERROR) () () () (ZENworks) ] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent] 
(which basically doesn't tell me anything)

on the Servers themselves i haven't found any useful messages either...

We are running on Appliances Version
(cannot update to FTF 95 yet as we have another unrelated SR ongoing for which we are running a DEVFTF built on 94...)

Little side remark:
Please make (especially) the ZAV errors more descriptive in the nature of the issue in future Updates...
Just like with the errors 1002/1008/etc... we have no idea in what direction to look here and can essentially just guess what is going on..

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    We're also getting this error (-2022) on our clients.

    Last successful update: 03-06-2024 15:00

    Errors start since: 03-06-2024 19:00

    I have created case 02890488 for this.

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    We discovered the issue yesterday and from what i see in the logs it seems to have started monday around 10 am (GMT +2)

    And yes please reply back with some updates.
    As it currently stands with the logs being basically use less we are completely in the dark as to what is happening...


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    Yesterday I carried out measurements with Wireshark. I also checked whether Bitdefender's pattern distribution servers are active. The ZCM documentation states that the exception must be set in the FW for nimbus.bitdefender.net. The distribution server for ( nimbus.bitdefender.net/_ServerStatus ) is active and distributes patterns, I was also able to check this with a standalone Bitdefender AV client. I have run a Wireshark trace several times, unfortunately I cannot make a valid statement about this, I lack a trace of a pattern update that works for analysis and comparison. If I notice anything else in the trace, I'll let you know here.

    I have another request for OT, the lagacy patch management was finally discontinued on 03.06.2024, hence my question: Has anything been changed internally at this time that has to do with the CDN networks?

    Greetings George

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