Zenworks Antivirus Agent Update Error -2022

Since yesterday we are seeing an error -2022 on all our machines when updating the ZAV Agent!
The actual Signature updates every ~4 hours are working but on checks between them the is throwing errors and even warning users that it is outdated...
(as of writing we are on Engine Version and Security Content Version 7.96878)

in  the "zmd-messages.log" i get the following error:

[ERROR] [06/05/2024 06:41:00.193] [5376] [ZenworksWindowsService] [77] [] [ZEN Antimalware] [05/06/2024 06:00:00 --  [ERROR] [5084] [ZavListener] [] [SYSTEM] [ZavOutput.log] [ProductEvent failure error: -2022] [ERROR] [] [] [] [ZENworks] ] [log) (ProductEvent failure error: -2022) (ERROR) () () () (ZENworks) ] [] [] [] [ZENworks Agent] 
(which basically doesn't tell me anything)

on the Servers themselves i haven't found any useful messages either...

We are running on Appliances Version
(cannot update to FTF 95 yet as we have another unrelated SR ongoing for which we are running a DEVFTF built on 94...)

Little side remark:
Please make (especially) the ZAV errors more descriptive in the nature of the issue in future Updates...
Just like with the errors 1002/1008/etc... we have no idea in what direction to look here and can essentially just guess what is going on..

  • Verified Answer


    Can everyone please check to see if the update is now working?

    There was a correction done in the OEM Feed Side so everything should now work. (OpenText did not change anything to cause it to break or change anything to allow it to work again....But we did help identify some anomalies in the Feed that were corrected.)  No Patches/Changes should be required in the ZENworks system to allow for this to work.

    Keep in mind....This is only about the issue that appeared last Monday/Tuesday.

    Individual Customers could have unrelated issues that cause similar symptoms.


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  • Verified Answer


    Can everyone please check to see if the update is now working?

    There was a correction done in the OEM Feed Side so everything should now work. (OpenText did not change anything to cause it to break or change anything to allow it to work again....But we did help identify some anomalies in the Feed that were corrected.)  No Patches/Changes should be required in the ZENworks system to allow for this to work.

    Keep in mind....This is only about the issue that appeared last Monday/Tuesday.

    Individual Customers could have unrelated issues that cause similar symptoms.


    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button

    Be sure to "Like" My (and a few others) Cool Solutions below! 

