Funeral today for ZCM today

It was very sad to attend OT and ZCM's funeral. July update didn't work and neither did the August update, customers are put off on ZCM24.3
and it annoys all your customers, doesn't take you seriously and drives you away to the competition! Amen
i am to old to anderstand the political act of OT, not only on ZCM
Good luck

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    Yes, SLD is having issues and they are trying to work on it.  It's nothing to do with ZENworks directly, but it can be impacted.  Customers are free to open an SR or Non-Technical Case to get the monthly PRU(Inventory) Detection file.  Fingerprinting is only one of the methods ZCM uses for inventory and can recognize new products without it.  The PRU is limited to Inventory Fingerprints and is not an actual product update.


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    Note: The PRU was made available on SLD Yesterday, so you should be able to successfully download it from there.  I was able to do so.  On occasion, for one reason or another it may take longer than normal for our updated content to hit every content server causing brief download issues until it is fully replicated.  It's possible this replication took longer than normal causing it to appear for download before every server to have it, so some locales may not have been able to download right away.  I can't say if any replication issues still exist for our content, only that I was able to download it today.

    Note: There was a delay in posting the monthly PRU until Aug 6th versus the normal 1st of the Month, so the possible brief delay would have happened yesterday versus on the 1st.


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