I seem to remeber (and I may be phantasizing it), that at some point in time, each install action in a bundle had it's own internal revision, and when a bundle version increased, only the actions that actually got changed (if any) executed agein when set to e.g "run once per device".
That no longer seems to be the case, and whenever one changes any of the install actions, they *all* get run again with the next bundle version.
For instance, I have a "first install" bundle, that consists of a dozen or more "install bundle" actions pointing to other bundles that it installs, e.g on a freshly installed workstation.
When I add another install action to that Bundle (e.g a new software), *all* other, unchanged bundles apparently get installed again. Which in some cases is just annoying and a waste of time and CPU cycles, but in some cases causes real issues. Setting gets overwritten, and some badly coded software installers (Citrix, I see you) fail in really bad ways when they get run a second time.
So am I phantasizing? Is this WAD, bug, or am I oberlooking something?