Antimalware status page error 500 in ZCC


Primary server on 23.4 ftf 98, when trying to open antimalware status page in ZCC we get a "Server Error. Check if the Antimalware Service is enabled or running. For more information, see zcc.log."

In zcc.log I see

"[DEBUG] [09/21/2024 12:48:51.41] [28] [ZENServer] [84] [zenworks] [ZCC] [Rest api call failed with status code 500 error message {"timestamp":"2024-09-21T10:48:51.039+00:00","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","path":"/antimalware/api/devices/cdc2c9c43ba18c49bb86540631547dcb/scan-details"}] [org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: {"timestamp":"2024-09-21T10:48:51.039+00:00","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","path":"/antimalware/api/devices/cdc2c9c43ba18c49bb86540631547dcb/scan-details"}"

+ more errors.

Any suggestions how to resolve this?


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    there is a similar post to your question from a few days ago. Craig from OT (ZCM Guru) said internal changes were made to the name server if I remember. Please check which DNS server you have entered in ZCM and clear both the local dns cache in the ZCM system and the DNS server that is entered in ZCM. It is possible that the Qeull DNS has a forward entry, then please refresh there as well. After everything is done, test again. As far as I know, Bitdefender is behind ZCM Malware, was previously set as the pattern source for ZCM. As always with my posts, please check everything carefully

    A short info about http 500, the Http source server does not have the files that are requested

    Explanation exactly: An HTTP error 500 is a general error code that indicates that the server (computer) on which the files of your website are located has encountered a problem. The server cannot execute a specific request.


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