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how to used pifNewQueryFromFmtName with conenctor if type Service Anywher User

we have used Connect-IT(9.90) to import some contacts to SMAX 2020.11, How I can use pifNewQueryFromFmtName  to query piece of data from this connector, what should I provide for strCntrName and strFmtName parameters, and if this function is not supported, how I can perform this operation, I want to query a contact ID from SMAX based on value of another contact field value.

thanks in advance.


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    You definitely want to review the CIT programmer's reference pdf guide as I do not believe this function can be used with this Connector type, however, here is the definitions...

    strCntrName - This parameter contains the name of the resource (on which the query is performed).  This is the name of the Connector.

    strFmtName - This parameter contains the identifier of the document type (defined beforehand as a produced document type).  This is the name of the "produced" document under Connector for strCntrName.

    ...if this truly cannot be used, then look into Maptables.