web services exposed by network automation


Please let me know the list of Web services been exposed by Network automation along with their WSDL details.

I am looking like below,


Please for your support.

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    Instead of using Web service, I am trying to use NA CLI commands and trying to test but it is failing with below error,

    exec request failed on channel 0

    I am trying to call a change plan for modifying an interface description but it fails and the command is,

    ssh naadmin@nahost -p 8022 'deploy change plan -ip -name "Modify_Interface_Description_test" -parameters "" -variables "ifname=Gi0/0,description=" -comment "Modify interface description"'

    The links for CLI are as below,

    NA CLI- https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/Network_Automation/2022.11/CLICommands

    NA CLI Command- https://docs.microfocus.com/NA/2022.11/cli_reference.html

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    Hi - I too have tried this in the past and I had written it off as unsupported / unexpected.
    Something like we try to pass data in, but NA isn't expecting it and there's no module (Connect, etc) that will assist in dealing with things.

    Doing the one liner, you do get logged in, but that command doesn't seem to get executed or even attempted to be executed from what I've found turning logging up.

    I've always needed to split the steps apart, one - connect to proxy and two - issue the commands and unless I'm doing something ad-hoc, I'd have some script do error checking (did I connect, if not, what happened) and same with the command(s) - are things going as expected? Is there an error, etc.

    I'll be watching to see if anyone else had found a way.

    Good luck!

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    When I login into the proxy and running commands to deploy change plan, I can see new task is getting created and change plan is run.

    However when I run it using single liner, it is failing and there is no new task created.

    Do you suggest to achieve it using scripting.

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    Based on what I have read, that would be my suggestion - do this with a script.  Perhaps version 1.0 of your script will just be specific about what change plan script to deploy, but version 2.0 will be flexible and it will allow someone or something to pass in the script and / or group.  That might be handy for if this is getting triggered by some external system (like change management).  

    If you / your group / company has worked with NA and scripts, then this shouldn't be difficult to do.  Otherwise, you can check out:

    Develop - Network Automation (microfocus.com)

    Also, if your company uses Ansible, that might be a different way to go about this.  Same with Operations Orchestration.  

    But, in general, all the script would need to do is, set up your environment / variables, connect to proxy (log in) and make sure that is good and then you can kick off the deploy change plan on whatever group you want.  Then when done, exit.  All sorts of options and possibilities in the middle, depending on what your company standards are for code.  

    Lastly, if you are new to working with scripts, I might suggest doing a test first where you command does something less hostile or have a small group or non-production devices, perhaps just issue a version command or a list or show of some sort?  Get that working, then maybe go to a deploy where all that deploy change plan script does is a show users.  Why?  Had a good buddy years back do something similar, and it didn't go as he expected and oops - he needed to do a lot of clean-up.  

    Take your time, start small, start safe, and then when it is time and you're ready - go for it. :-)

    Good luck!

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    Thanks for your suggestions.

    I had solved it with a single liner using below command,

    echo -ne 'show version \n quit' | ssh naadmin@nahost -p 8022

    Based on the above, I was also able to trigger a change plan in NA to modify an interface description.

    Hope it helps everyone.

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    Very creative, I'll have to give that a try.  Thanks for sharing.  
