NNMI HA deployment with Oracle does not work for second cluster node

  • NM 2023.4
  • Application failover HA
  • Oracle DB on dedicated server
  • OSLinux RHEL 8
  • NO SPIs

The first node for the NNMi Cluster had been installed fine and is working as expected, installed

the second one exactly the same way, except for suing the already created one from Node 1.

There are no installation errors

ovstatus reports all processes as running, but we cannot log into the NNMi GUI:

HTTP Status 404 - /nnm
type Status report

message /nnm

description The requested resource (/nnm) is not available.

Here are more infos, the license component does not work and th logs tells of missing component.

I strongly assume, that the installation of the second node in a HA environment and Oracle DB had not been testet with NNM 2023.4

Does anybody know a solution??? 

root@sdeu0147 PATCH]# nnmlicense.ovpl NNM -l
Licenses before installation:

MBean com.hp.ov.nms.licensingejb:mbean=LicensingInterface not found. Exception message : com.hp.ov.nms.licensingejb:mbean=LicensingInterface is not registered.
[root@sdeu0147 PATCH]#

Der Eintrag aus dem nnm
2024-04-19 11:42:02.920 ERROR [ProfileServiceBootstrap] Failed to load profile:: org.jboss.deployers.client.spi.IncompleteDeploymentException: Summary of incomplete deployments (SEE PREVIOUS ERRORS FOR DETAILS):

Deployment "com.hp.ov.nms.topo:service=KeyManager" is missing the following dependencies:
Dependency "<UNKNOWN com.hp.ov.nms.topo:service=KeyManager>" (should be in state "Installed", but is actually in state "** UNRESOLVED Demands 'jboss.j2ee:ear=nms-topo-services.ear,jar=nms-topo-ejb.jar,name=KeyManager,service=EJB3' **")
Deployment "jboss-injector:topLevelUnit=nms-comm-services.ear,unit=nms-comm-config-services.jar,bean=CommunicationConfigurationServiceBean" is missing the following dependencies:
Dependency "<UNKNOWN jboss-injector:topLevelUnit=nms-comm-services.ear,unit=nms-comm-config-services.jar,bean=CommunicationConfigurationServiceBean>" (should be in state "Installed", but is actually in state "** UNRESOLVED Demands 'jboss-switchboard:appName=nms-comm-services,module=nms-comm-config-services,name=CommunicationConfigurationServiceBean' **")
Deployment "jboss-switchboard:appName=a-nnm-trap-ejb,module=a-nnm-trap-ejb,name=ForwardToEventsStage" is missing the following dependencies:
Dependency "jboss.j2ee:jar=a-nnm-trap-ejb.jar,name=TrapComponentResolverService,service=EJB3" (should be in state "Installed", but is actually in state "PreInstall")
Deployment "jboss-switchboard:appName=a-nnm-trap-ejb,module=a-nnm-trap-ejb,name=MessageProcessorStage" is missing the following dependencies:

  • Suggested Answer



    I assume NNMi is working fine on the primary (first) HA node but after failover to a secondary one not all NNMi services started. Is this correct assumption? First, check if a shared drive is accessible on a secondary server. Also, try to execute /opt/OV/support/nnmverifyOra.ovpl -v on both servers and compare the output.

    It seems KeyManager failed to start. It is typically related to certificates (check shared and local drives) and/or decryption (check the content of /opt/OV/java/lib/ext on both servers and the file /var/opt/OV/conf/nnm/java.security. Check the amount of entropy available on both servers with 

    cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail

    Best regards,
