CustomCollection missing in NPS

Hi team,

I 'm still using NPS in order to create PDF repport and schedule them to email but I'm facing an issue with one of my custom collection.

Until now, every custom collection exported to NPS had an entry in Query Studio, but for some reason, even if  I  have the correct channel in my ETL and Data from Collection are correctly consume, I have no entry for this custom collection in Query Studio.

Does anyone get the same issue one day ? or have any clue for me ?

thanks in advanced 



  • Suggested Answer



    Creating PDF reports and emailing them can be done by creating a report view, selecting a report view link and right click to create a report

    schedule. What is a reason/purpose to use Query Studio? Also, it is not clear what do you mean by "an entry in Query Studio". Do you mean you cannot see

    a report link name under 

    List of all packages:
    ‪Cognos ‎> Team Content ‎> Custom Collection‬

    You can try to re-install UiBi part with

    installExtensionPack.ovpl -a -e /opt/OV/NNMPerformanceSPI/extensionpacks/Report-Name.tar.gz -m UiBi

    Best regards,

  • 0 in reply to   

    hi Sergey,

    I'm sorry for my lake of detail. I'll take more time now to explain my issue.

    My issue is  : I'm unable to query data for a specific custom collection, because the DataSet is not available on Query studio. 

    The custom collection is correctly configure and export through NNMi UI. I also stream the data to OPTIC and i confirm I can see data in Vertica.

    here the issue is on NPS. 

    On the data flow :

    • Data is correctly generated in NNMi in metric/final folder (the csv file is present).
    • Data are correctly consumme by ETL. the Channel is created and running 
    • Data are present in the NPS database

    but I can access to the data through Query Studio or any embedded portal.

    You can see the FORTI_SDWAN is missing : 

    If I look into the NPS database I can see all data and table definition but the query studio seems not able to acces to this Content.

    My question is : How can I add this content in the Query Studio ?

  • Verified Answer

    +1   in reply to 

    Hi Thibaud,

    Thank you for the clarification. Looks like my understanding of the problem was correct. All Custom Poller reports are preconfigured to be placed under "Custom Collection" folder. Do you see such report in NPS UI under Reports/Custom Collection? If not, perhaps deployment of report to Cognos was not successful. If you see the report in NPS UI select the report name, right click, Properties. Check the location filed value which should be "Team Content ‎> Custom Collection‬". At the top right corner click the link "View the search path, ID and URL" and verify "Search Path" and "Default action URL:". Compare them with good CP reports. If the location is different, use one from there in Query Studio. We keep report definitions in Content DB which is Informix in latest NPS versions. Metrics Data for CP report is kept in Sybase IQ DB. You can try to open BI Server/Portal from NPS UI, select Search and type the report name (package name) to search. If nothing found it needs to be re-deployed. In any case try to re-deploy the culprit CP report to Cognos and make sure there are no errors.

    installExtensionPack.ovpl -a -e /opt/OV/NNMPerformanceSPI/extensionpacks/Report-Name.tar.gz -m UiBi

    Best regards,

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    Hi  ,

    good catch !! I totally forgot this command . I used it to re-install the extensionpack and then the conten is available to report.

    Thanks a lot.