Need Help to Confirm Hash of Legacy File (reqcheck.exe) Possibly from HPSA

Hey all,

I am working on a triage of a file that maybe connected to the HP Server Automation (HPSA) (legacy program to the Network Automation platform).

A file called "reqcheck.exe" was discovered and we are trying to determine its origin. It was compiled in 2014 and maybe a part of the HPSA platform.

The file hash is a SHA256: 01BB8EDF621012DDB23EDD1807B82F24D1BBD1F7D624C5A4C6E63C7199C01316

Is anyone able to confirm that this is in fact a file belonging to HPSA? I believe it would be under 10.2

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


  • Verified Answer


    I can confirm that a file with the name reqcheck.exe is used by Server Automation when bringing new Windows machines under management, however I can't confirm that the file with your checksum would come from us. Different releases of SA may not have the same checksum.