is it possible to customize this list values of the Level field?

When adding new software level, following the instruction below (1) the customer can chose this predefined levels, is there a way to customize this dropdown entries, for example

add al level "End if Live"


  • 0

    it works like described below, verified and tested by me:

    1. backup of appserver.rcx—>appserver.rcx.orig
    vi /opt/NA/jre/appserver.rcx

    Change from 7 to eight <size>8</size> and add line <value>Geronimo</value>

    <array name="software/compliance/descriptions">
    <title>Compliance Levels</title>
    <section>Software Compliance</section>
    <new_item_comment>Compliance levels that can be assigned to software images.</new_item_comment>
    <value>Security Risk</value>

    Make a Backup of /opt/NA/resource/localization/en/html.lnx and add the line after Platium

    <message name="html/label/Plain text">Plain text</message>
    <message name="html/label/Platinum">Platinum</message>
    <message name="html/label/Jaroslaw">Geronimo</message>

    *Restart NA to bring changes into effect

    /etc/init.d/truecontrol restart