Unable to discover IP Telephones in NNMI

Dear Community Members,

Trust you are doing well. This question is in reference with issue while discovery of IP Phones via ispi for Telephony.

I have installed NNMi 24.2 on windows server 2019 and on the same server i have installed ispi for Telephony. As per customer they do not have CTR and RTCP enabled so I have done the SSH configuration to collect the IP phones data.

We have discovered the associated switch on which IP Phones are connected and created automation rule as per the document as well. But even after multiple times discovery of switch there is no data available.

We have checked the ipt.log and ipt-trace.log and we found error as No Avaya Call Controllers in DB. Returning....

Kindly note that, we ar trying to discover Avaya telephone. Please let me know if someone else also faced such error messages.