• While installing the hotfix getting "(you may need to install the String::CRC::Cksum module)" on Traffic servers

    [root@NNMMCN001 support]# ./nmshotfix.ovpl -i /opt/TrafficPatch/Hotfix-TRFM-2021.05-CORE-20220502.zip Can't locate String/CRC/Cksum.pm in @INC (you may need to install the String::CRC::Cksum module) (@INC contains: /opt/OV/nonOV/perl/a/lib/site_perl/5…
  • nnmkeytool.ovpl error

    I am trying to generate a new keypair and am getting an error -- this is what I run: /opt/OV/bin/nnmkeytool.ovpl –genkeypair –validity 3650 –keyalg rsa –keystore nnm-key.p12 –storetype PKCS12 –storepass nnmkeypass –alias theservernameiwanttouse.internal…
  • Error in loading a MIB

    Error in loading a MIB I am attempting to load a MIB into NNMi 10.10 and i am getting this error. Load MIB File user-snmp-mibs/dmtf-dmi.mib Begin loading MIB module [DMTF-DMI-MIB] from file user-snmp-mibs/dmtf-dmi.mib at 12.31.54. Could not load [DMTF…
  • HP NNMi 10 post installation errors

    Hello, I tried to install NNMi 10 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and got 3 post installation errors. EmbeddedDBCreate failed and followed by OvStart and OvStatus failures Please see attachments, screenhots and the log files, zipped, from %NnmDataDir…
  • NPS services doesn´t start before a restore

    Hi, I made a backup of my NPS with the command backup.ovpl, then i tried to restore the data and configurations, and i made the restore whit the command restore.ovpl and the db doesn´t start. Thanks
  • NPS: iSPI Performance: ERROR: Auth. issue! & Connection issue!

    Hello, my problem is that I can't work with the NPS anymore. When I select a device and then click on "Actions"->"Reporting-Report Menu" I get the error messages attached. The NPS worked before... any ideas? System: Operating System: Windows Server 2008…
  • Problem with installation of core gateway NA 9.2

    Hey all, I'm using a 64bit 5.5 linux CentOS virtual machines to test the installation of HP NA core 9.2 , gateway and satellites. I installed the core successfully without any problems. When installing the core gateway i get this error, i couldn't find…
  • Error message while computing map view

    Hello, first I'm a newbie with NNMi, did an installation last week and still on configuring. A few minutes ago I created a NodeGroup with 6 Child Node Groups. This newly generated NodeGroup got a Child Node Group of a, lets call it "main" Node Group,…